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Thank you for your interest in the PhD Program in Linguistics at QMUL. Please complete the form below to register your interest in the program. Use the questions to guide you to think carefully about the research you are interested in conducting, and who the best supervisory team for that project would be. All PhD students in our program must have two QMUL academic staff as named supervisors (additional supervisors from other institutions are also possible where warranted). We only offer places on our PhD program in cases where there is excellent student/supervisory team fit. We expect that you are familiar with the research written by the staff you are interested in working with, and that your application will demonstrate that familiarity.

Please enter a response that only contains letters.

Please enter a response that only contains letters.

Please enter a valid email address.

We ask this question to establish eligibility for various funding schemes, and so that we are aware of time differences and whether you'll need international student support.

Please enter a response that only contains letters.

Briefly describe your academic background and qualifications, including results from your previous qualifications (e.g., MA with Distinction). Be explicit about what training you have had in the theoretical and/or methodological areas that are relevant to your PhD research goals (by, e.g., listing classes you have taken in earlier degrees, research experience you have had, etc.)

Describe the research topic you would like to investigate in your PhD. Be brief, but also explicit and concrete. Situate your research in the appropriate theoretical and/or methodological context, making reference to prior literature and the potential contribution of your research. Try not to use technical jargon. No more than 4000 characters (about 1000 words) at this stage - a full proposal will come later.

Your answer should be no more than 4000 characters long.

8.8. Supervisor nomination: select the 2-3 potential supervisors whose research interests and expertise are the best fit for yours. Take the time to read their work. Your proposal (above) should show that your research will build on the research of one or more of your nominated supervisors. Required

Please select between 1 and 3 answers.

9.9. Other potential supervisors (within SLLF): The following staff hold primary appointments in other departments in the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film (, and are available to co-supervise PhD students in Linguistics (in combination with another supervisor in Linguistics). You are not obliged to select any names from this list, but you may do so if these researchers are good potential fits for your research interests. 
11.11. Have you already contacted the potential supervisors you nominated above, and recieved encouragement to complete this questionnaire? Required

If you have not already contacted the supervisors you would most like to work with, we encourage you to do so after submitting this form.

Our own funding awards are extremely competitive, and we highly advise that students pursue external sources of funding to cover the costs of the PhD. This information will not be used to determine whether to admit an applicant, but we do need to know if you are intending to apply for awards. Besides the LISS-DTP, LAHP and the Principal's Studentship Awards (see our website), applicants my be eligible for funding awards listed on this page: NB: International applicants are eligible for Principal's Studentship, LISS-DTP and LAHP awards.

For all funding awards offered through Queen Mary, the application deadlines are in January. 

Briefly describe any other information that might be critical for us to know in the early stages of assessing your suitability as a candidate for our PhD programme. There is no obligation to add any information - if we have questions about your submission, we will contact you to ask them, but if you feel there is something not covered above that we must know, you can explain it here. 

NB: Completing this questionnaire ensures your interest in applying to our program is registered with the Linguistics PhD Admissions Lead (currently Dr S. Holmes-Elliott). Its primary purpose is to ensure we know enough about you to offer you the best advice regarding your application, and potential funding awards. In concert with completing this form, please also directly contact the potential supervisors you are naming below. It is best to write a single message to both potential supervisors you are most interested in working with, rather than separate emails to different people - this will maximize the chance of a rapid response, and eliminate any confusion. If you have already contacted potential supervisors, and been encouraged to proceed with an application, note that fact below.