
We are aware of the unprecedented demand on the NHS for a diagnosis of ADHD, however, we are unable to diagnose ADHD as a medical condition that would entitle you to medication and CBT. Further information about how to seek a medical diagnosis of ADHD can be found hereIf you already have another diagnosis, such as anxiety or depression, you may be able to access support quicker and we suggest you contact dds@qmul.ac.uk to enquire further.

We are able to diagnose for ADHD as a Specific Learning Difference but only as part of a broader assessment. If you wish to be assessed for ADHD in addition to other SpLDs, you will be required to provide evidence that your symptoms were also present in childhood.


Please answer all questions as honestly and in-depth as possible, to ensure we have a good understanding of your difficulties and the support you are seeking. 

Anything disclosed in this questionnaire is confidential and will not be shared with anyone else in the University unless we deem that you are a risk to yourself or others at which point we may have to break confidentiality.

If you disclose other health conditions, we may contact you to offer additional support or a meeting with an advisor if appropriate. We may disclose other health conditions to our assessors if you are referred for a full assessment as it helps to give them an overall picture of difficulties so that they can make an informed decision on your case. 

Please see our Data Protection/Privacy Statement for information about how your data will be used:



Undergraduate students studying medicine (e.g. MBBS and GEP):

Note From the GMC: We believe that disabled medical students and doctors should be welcomed to the profession and valued for their contribution in healthcare. Having a disability doesn’t stop you practicing medicine safely. The legal definition of a disability covers a range of conditions, including mental health conditions, if they meet the criteria of the definition.

We don’t need you to tell us if you have a disability, unless a medical school, university or employer raised concerns about how you managed the condition, or about its impact on your ability to study or work as a doctor, that led to a formal processThis tool will help you work out whether you need to tell the GMC about something on your application.

****Please note that Diagnostic Assessments will take place online****